How does Package-Park® work?
Package-ParkTM fits over the top of your front door and is secured once you close the door. Package-ParkTM is not physically attached to the door but “hangs” on the door ledge via its plastic coated steel bracket which prevents removal until you open the door. The sack is attached to this steel bracket. This durable water resistant oversized sack, along with your padlock, protects your package from “Porch Piracy” theft until you retrieve the package.
Package-Parks® Design
Package-ParksTM steel bracket prevents removal until you open your door. It’s sturdy, weather-resistant nylon construction both conceals and protects your package. The attached padlock secures your package from theft. It’s flexibility and laundry bag size means it can accommodate most packages. Package-ParkTM is easy to use. It can be attached and removed in seconds without fasteners and it won’t damage your door. Package-ParkTM is tastefully crafted in a dark colored nylon and plastic coated steel.